About Us
Leadership development is a critical component in the successful implementation of major change. Through strong and visionary school leadership, the National Centre for Leadership and Innovation (NCLI) is dedicated to the radical transformation of primary school education through professional leadership.
NCLI will provide an infrastructure for the research and development of programmes, projects and other advancement initiatives. It will provide a new infrastructure to deliver unrivalled leadership programmes. Our plans to facilitate school leaders in achieving accredited qualifications in leadership and innovation will mean they will be exceptionally equipped to fulfil their demanding roles and bring their individual schools to international standards in learning. Aside from the Dedicated Educational Leadership and Management Training Programme, we have designed courses offering the broader school community unique opportunities to learn and grow as leaders.
In the longer term, NCLI will become a key point of reference for all those engaged in leadership activity across private, public and not-for-profit sectors and will invite collaboration from each of these parties. We clearly see the tangible contribution that NCLI will make to the long term economic stability of Ireland, through its role in the formation of a well-educated workforce and an increasingly attractive location for multinationals. NCLI is dedicated to creating the leadership structures necessary to deliver the best possible primary school education to Ireland’s children, allowing them to thrive in their future academic, professional and personal lives.